is coming out?
Answer:- Panic!!
That's exactly what's happening to Stephan/Steve Amsel.
A comment was posted today on DesertPeace by one Yosef Issacson
and Steve answered him right away (seems like Steve does nothing else)
Yosef Issacson said...
Hi Steve,
Hope you are doing better today. Yesterday must have been very traumatic for you. I am glad that you post all these things because otherwise I and many others would have not known the truth.
3:17 PM, February 06, 2007
DesertPeace said...
Thank you Yosef...
Everything is fine today and was yesterday as well. The reason for the 'stalker post' was to alert certain contacts that posts may be made on their site by this person. Nothing traumatic about it, and I intend to continue posting... hope you will continue reading.
3:27 PM, February 06, 2007
Seems like Steve is taking it easy and is relaxed. However last night he got this comment on the webstalker post by a long time buddy of Steve called Karin.
I love Munich said...
Hi Steve,
As "ab" says, you must have touched him or I would rather re-phrase it and say, you painfully hit his Achilles tendon! There are and will always be such brain-sick individuals, eaten up by hatred and thus unable to understand the truth .. I had my share as well. My philosophy is to never descend to such a "low" as it is far below the beltline. Once these individuals grasp that nobody is interested in their trash - they stop without any further interference. It is like a "windglider" in the desert - initially they get to high speed but gradually the sand wears them down .. and finally they won't move anymore and get busted.
You're doing a GREAT JOB Steve ... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK - I'M PROUD OF YOU!!!
1:13 AM, February 06, 2007
DesertPeace said...
I agree with everything you said Karin... thanks.
Thanks also for the encouragement.
1:24 AM, February 06, 2007
I decided to have some fun and posted the following comment on Steve's blog
(guess what it wasn't published)
Not one of my planned moves, but I think Karin does have a point there - "you must have touched him" and "My philosophy is to never descend to such a "low" as it is far below the beltline."
So now the question is does she know or she doesn't know? and the other question that pops up is how the hell are you going to find out. :)
As I said earlier, my work for now is done, and I will act when you least expect it.
Steve's very next reaction upon getting my comment was to go straight to Karin's blog to check if I had a posted a comment there and if she knew about the Real Desert Peace. Here is Steve's sitemeter screen, which unfortunately he has blocked from public view starting today.
What the hell do you think you're doing? Is the sole purpose of your blog to smear Steve?? I have news for you .. you will NEVER succeed to interfere in the friendship Steve and I share!
Steve/Stephan is a very dear friend who has my FULL trust ... I have NO reason whatsoever to doubt him and vengeful individuals like YOU will NOT succeed to change that! I love him as brother and support him for who he is ... whatever problems you have with him is of YOUR concern alone, not of mine whatsoever!
Did I try to convince you?? Did I post a comment on your blog to come over and see my blog?
Just like you have your freedom to start a blog and post your views, so do I. Also there is no political motivation, I just want people to know who your "dear friend" (dear fiend) Steve/Stephan is.
I don't care what you believe or want to believe about your dear friend. I know him, I know he served in IDF, I know him for what he is and further more I also have pictures of him celebrating the Israeli independence day.
So mind you own business. If you have a problem with my blog don't come here.
If you don't want comments then disable them. For Steve he is a great friend of mine also. I don't care if he served in the IDF, I served during Vietnam, that doesn't mean a thing to me. I will ask you the same as you told Karin, Why don't you mind your own business and quit putting Steve or others down if you can't handle it.
Chet, I think you have a problem. I am not closing my blog to comments like a low life and allowing only comments that favor me like your friend Steve does.
As I said to Karin, I did not invite you to my blog, both of you came here with your own free will. You posted comments and I replied. I did not post comments on either of your blogs asking you to come over and be convinced of anything.
You served in Nam, coz you had to. Steve came to Israel when he was beyond the age where he was obligated to serve in the IDF, but he did, why?
The point on my blog is not whether Steve served in the IDF or not. The point is Steve is a scum bag!
Do you have problems with my blog because the whole purpose is to smear your friends name. Then your blog, Karin's blog and Steve's blog have 3 purposes to "smear Israel's name", to generate Anti American incitement and to smear Bush's name. So I don't think you or Karin or anyone else involved with smearing is going to tell me that my blog is about smearing a persons name.
Please post the photos that you have of Steve Amsel celebrating Israeli Independence day.
Also, post photos of him serving in the IDF.
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